Senin, 06 Juni 2016


Hi there....
It's been a looong time I've never seen this blog since couple years ago, I guess xoxo

i'm officially had an difficult and super complicated situation till now, i dont know what to do, i dont know who i can tell with, i dont know where this path go, i'm stuck!!!

anw, i'm working now, Alhamdulillah for about 3 months, as a kindergarden teacher (again)
had a 'busy' day for everydays haha

this is what i'm going to tell to you..


and i can't even tell with him..
i'm afraid that this is only my feeling, i'm afraid that after i said that everything would be change..
i'm afraid before i'm trying..
that's why i'm telling you that i dont know who i can tell this with, i know Alloh always there, but i only need at least someone who can hear my story, heal my sickness of missing..

this kind of missing hurt me well..

i'm tired!

done for today..


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