Senin, 03 Desember 2012


Dilla Milliana Khoiria/10.530.0157/A-class 2010


   1.       Mention some derivational prefixes and give two examples of each.
a.       Noun Prefixes
·         {auto-}             = autobiography, autosuggestion
·         {mis-}    = misconduct, misdemeanour
b.      Verb Prefixes
·         {mal-}    = to maltreat, to malpractise
·         {re-}       = to rebuild, to reconsider
c.       Adjective Prefixes
·         {un-}      = unhappy, unkind
·         {hyper-}= hyper-critical, hyper-sensitive

   2.       Mention some derivational suffixes and give two examples of each.
a.       Noun Suffixes
·         {-ist}      = pianist, novelist
·         {-age}    = peerage, cellarage
b.      Adjective suffixes
·         {-al}        = brutal, cultural
·         {-en}      = golden, wooden
c.       Verb suffixes
·         {-ize}     = Americanize, macadamize
·         {-fy}       = to cerify, to signify
d.      Adverb suffixes
·         {-ly}        = greatly, decidedly
·         {-wise}  = lenghtwise, sidewise

   3.       What are the differences between derivational and inflectional suffixes? Use example in your answer.
Derivational suffixes may change the parts of speech of the sterm, whila inflectional suffixes never change the parts of speech of the sterm.
·         The word eatable belongs to derivational, because the suffixes {-able} changes the part of speech of the eat.
·         The word eats belongs to inflectional suffixes, because the suffixes {-s} doesn’t change the parts of speech of the word eat.

   4.       How many kinds of inflectional suffixes are there in English? What are they?
There are 8 inflectional suffixes, they are :
·         {-es1}     = The plural morpheme
·         {-es2}     = The possesive morpheme
·         {-es3}     = The third person singular present tense morpheme
·         {-ed1}    = The past tense morpheme
·         {-ed2}    = The past participle morpheme
·         {-ing1}   = The present participle morpheme
·         {-er}       = The comperative morpheme
·         {-est}     = The superlative morpheme

   5.       What are the allomorphs of the third-person singular present-tense morpheme? Use examples in your answer.
He speaks english well. The suffixes {-s} in the word speaks belongs to allomorph in third person singular present tense morpheme.
   6.       Are the allomorphs of plural morpheme phonologically conditioned or morphologically conditioned?
The allomorphs of plural morpheme can be phonologically conditioned and morphologically conditioned

   7.       Are the allomorphs of the possesive morpheme phonologically conditioned?
No, they are not

   8.       Describe the allomorphs of the past-tense morpheme.
{-ed1}  :
a. Phonologically conditioned allomorphs
                1. /-t/ : She talked
                2. /-d/ : She danced
                3. /-id/ : She visited
b. Morphologically conditioned allomorphs
                1. /-   / : He cut
                2. /-vowel change-/ : She wrote
                3. /-d -> -t/ : He sent it
                4. etc.
   9.       Describe the allomorphs of the past participle morpheme !
                {-ed2}  :
                a. Phonologically conditioned allomorphs
                                1. /-t/ : She has worked
                                2. /-d/ : She has danced
                                3. /-id/ : She has invited him
                b. Morphologically conditioned allomorphs
                                1. /-   / : He has hurt her
                                2. /-vowel change-/ : He has begun
                                3. /-d -> -t / : He has sent it
                                4. etc
  10.   Compare the allomorphs of the past tense morpheme with those of the past-participle morpheme.
Phonologically, the allomorphs of the past tense morpheme are almost exactly the same with the allomorphs of the past participle morpheme, but semantically they are different. Thus the allomorphs of the past tense morpheme and the past participle morpheme are homophones.

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